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Tips and Easy Ways to Make a Car Insurance Claim

Tips and Easy Ways to Make a Car Insurance Claim - Things we don't want accidents or disasters to happen anytime and anywhere we are.

For those of you who have a car or four-wheeled vehicle. Big or small disasters such as accidents, fires, or things that cause losses.

One of the easiest forms of protection if something happens that we don't want is by registering our vehicle or car with an insurance company.

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This automatically leads us to always behave in a disciplined manner and obey traffic rules. This latest education admin wants to share insightful information regarding how to make a car insurance claim.

Tips and Easy Ways to Make a Car Insurance Claim

For some people sometimes feel lazy and rarely deal with car insurance claims. Make sure that unexpected or unexpected events when they happen to our car are included in the insurance coverage.

The following are tips and easy ways to make a car insurance claim.

Tips and Easy Ways to Make a Car Insurance Claim

1. Claim report

Before reporting a claim to the car insurance, first make sure that we know for sure the address of the head office, branch office or representative.

In addition, also know the website and email address of the insurance company. We can also take advantage of the insurance claim report application by using an android-based application that has been provided by the insurance company.

Regarding the time needed to make a car insurance claim report in accordance with the provisions made by the car insurance company. For example, if the insurance company requires 3 x 24 hours after a disaster or accident occurs, then we can report it after 3 x 24 hours, starting from the incident.

This report can come directly to the branch office, telephone, SMS, or claim application that has been provided by the insurance company.

However, usually a claim report must be made a maximum of 5x24 hours, starting after the incident and depending on company policy.

2. Car Insurance Claim Documents

Documents are one of the requirements for administrative completeness in applying for insurance.

These documents include your ID card, driver's license, STNK, insurance policy archive, documentation/photo of your car to be claimed, and so on. After the document has been checked, you will also be asked to fill out a form immediately.

3. Verification and Validation

After reporting to the car insurance company, the insurance company will send a messenger or representative to verify and validate the car insurance claim report.

then the officer will conduct a survey and analysis of damage to the car.

This activity aims to ensure that your vehicle is eligible for insurance and how much loss you experience.

4. Waiting for Verification and Validation Results from the company whether your car is eligible for approval for submitting an insurance claim or not approved/rejected.

5. Execution Process

If the insurance claim submission has been approved by the car insurance company, then the next step, the owner is entitled to claim reimbursement.

Hopefully this brief information about Tips and Easy Ways to Make a Car Insurance Claim is useful for all of us.

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